Thank You
Many people have assisted Pacru Ltd in the development of Pacru. We can't mention them all, and some we would like to mention we've not yet checked out that the are OK with us doing so but here are some of them:
- Simon Daniel
Played the first ever game of Pacru and was the only person who made a significant difference to the rules. Created the Pacru logo.
- Jackie Godwin
Played the second ever game of Pacru and has consistently made a significant difference to the inventor in too many ways to count
- Danny and Adam Flowers
Whose enthusiasm has kept us going
- Thain Niyad
Who came all the way from the Maldives to be a player of Pacru and Lilacru, and influence on the invention of Divacru (short name of Maldivacru)
- Derek Wellman
Who showed interest and faith in the project
- Alain Dekker
Chess enthusiast who has been encouraging us to get a move on from the early days, and the first Pacru World Champion
- Gareth Rosson, Dave Kelly and Sam Lever
For playing the game in the very early days and for being good mates in difficult times
- Peter Kelly
For being a willing ear to daytime Pacru ramblings and host to the Pacru woodshop sessions
- Andy Rickford
For believing enough to offer a fortune to buy one of the original boards even before the first World Championships
- Simon Buck, Saul Rikin-Carroll, Sam Hardy
For your enthusiasm and feedback
- Ted Francis
For translating the rules into Spanish
- Teresa Romagnuolo
For getting the summary rules translated into Italian
- Barbara, Trevor and Jonathan Buck
For your enthusiastic comments on the game and its appearance
- Tony Boyle
For being a friendly link into the games world before I knew anyone
- Tim Preston
For knowing rather more about images and drawing than we did and helping us out
- Colin Bell and Joe Hancock
For being the only people who read and responded to our adverts for games players wanting to try new game in City Life (Manchester)
- Peter Horwell and Bronwen Dekker
For many pleasurable Pacru evenings
- Tim Stokes
For criticsms of, and contributions to, the Pacru website
- Clark D. Rodeffer
For enthusiasm and excellent advice