PASHACRU A Pacru Variant For 3 or 4 players
The rule differences between Pacru and Pashacru are as follows:
POWER OF MOVEMENT: In Pashacru the power of movement of a piece is the number of markers (or tiles) in the borderland that the piece is in PLUS ONE.
So whereas in Pacru the power of movement of a piece with no markers in a borderland is one, and the power when there is one marker is also one, in Pashacru the power of movement of a piece with one marker in a borderland is two.
BORDERLAND TWIST: In Pashacru you can twist a piece 45 degrees to the right or left immediately after setting it down when it has crossed a borderland.
MEETING: In the same way as you cannot re-orient into a meeting, but must move into it, you cannot twist into a meeting - and neither can you twist out of it. In other words if the move you make to achieve a meeting is a borderland crossing then you cannot use a borderland twist as part of that move.
Comment on the difference in game play:
The advantage that Pashacru has as a 3 or 4 player game over Pacru is that the pieces are more flexible and much less likely to be trapped. The game ends up with a similar level of fluidity to two player Pacru. A consequence of the expanded power of movement in Pashacru is that pieces are less at risk from being blocked or stuck in a particular borderland due to lack of power, awaiting rescue from other pieces. However pieces are more at risk from unexpected pincer attack since enemy pieces have more reach than they would with Pacru rules.